Tuesday 4 September 2012

Leaking strawberries.

Vermillion serum seeps from the flesh
Grass did not sway
No haunting murmur
No breaths
No beats

All time ceased as absolution was attained
For none could fathom how the Moon swallowed the Sun.

a Ripe End.

Flickering away,
luminous dreams.
We know it nears,
We bow in it's aura,
the Devastator.

Helm low, hope high
is it really about the end

Or was it always about the start.

Thursday 2 August 2012


Will, the price of Worth.
Unquenchable thirst for flame;

The Deceiver

Bow to the Deceiver.
He holds;

How can one create and destroy?
Simultaneous motion.

Life is but a labyrinth,
the Deceiver holds us all.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Anubis, the Potent.

You hold the key to my casket
No more questions, just the thought of fulfilment
Sleep burns my eyes
Now forced to grasp a world of infinity
The notion is revealed
Swimming in my mind my callous shell
A reminder of what I've become
Transferring our thoughts into one